• 2022 roundup + awards eligibility post
    Okay, I finally dragged myself out of the twin hells and imposter syndrome and procrastination and decided to finally do an awards eligibility post. I had exactly one speculative short story published in 2021 (“The 74th District”, in Speculative City) — this year I have 7 short stories and 2 flashes, plus one essay! It’s… Read more: 2022 roundup + awards eligibility post
  • A Brief SEA Fantasy List
    I wrote this list to accompany this thread about SEA being underrepresented in SFF! Even as publishing diversifies and we see more interest in stories and worlds that draw from non-Anglo Western canon, the bars we see move are generally still commensurate with the cultures that have more global or American cultural capital/consciousness. Asian representation,… Read more: A Brief SEA Fantasy List
  • How I Got My Agent
    I’ve been writing for pretty much as long as I can remember. I started with self-insert fanfics and thinly veiled riffs on all my favourite shows and books, and then started writing original stories that I would pass around in notebooks to my classmates or email them new chapters like a subscription. My best friends… Read more: How I Got My Agent